Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What The Kids Want to Say

The kids wanted to get to say something on the blog so I am going to let them each tell me what to type. We'll see how this goes.

Skylar: Umm...Happy Birthday. Umm...and cake and and and dance is....I love you like this. I want to say like this. Happy Mother's Day. I did a good job at my show. Now I want to get a birthday cake. Umm....Birthday to Seth. I'm going to do a lot of shows at the feater. I hit Jordan because I'm possed to do dat. Umm I hit him before.

Jordan: I got a bagel. Oh! You're a girl. Do dance class? I ate snacks at Grandma's. Umm some corn. No chocolate. I ate some chocolate. I got a big candy. I ate the chocolate candy. I play toys. There's a bagel in Skylar's room. I spin the pan. I spin the bagel. Weeee! Like a roller coaster! What was that? That's the neighbor playin drums together. Look at my bagel. It's shiny. The sun's out.