Sunday, June 13, 2010


We went to Gilroy Gardens amusement park this weekend. Of course we also had to stop at the outlet mall! It was fun. Probably our last trip as a family of four. :)

Looking good in the car. Skylar has some wierd obsession about her sunglasses now. She constantly covers her eyes and says "bright" when they aren't on. What a little diva.
Jordan wants to do whatever his sister does
Can you say sugar high?
I have no idea why Jordan has bad teeth Haha.....I really don't give him that much sugar, but it was a special day :)
My little gymnist
Jordan's favorite thing to do is eat. He thinks that's more exciting than the rides.
Lifting her hands like a brave little girl. Skylar is going to be our little roller coaster rider. She's not afraid of anything.
Jordan was too scared for this ride so she went all by herself.....twice!
Me and my princess
Jordan figuring out the chair in the hotel spins around....hours of fun!

1 comment:

katygirl said...

how fun! i've never been there which is super suprising considering i grew up 30 min from the place!!

p.s. i deleted my cupcake blog, so you can delete that little button thing off yours too!